He Cycled as a Boy These Lanes

He cycled as a boy these lanes
From Weeping Cross to Berrington
To buy this bike he sold his trains
Dropped handlebars! Deraileurs!
A sense of freedom unrestrained
For hours his independence gained
His Mum will have a fit
He never took a map to trace
His ride past blind Condover school,
To Brompton, Boreton, Betton Strange
To Pickford Hall, and Lyon's Lane
Past Acton Burnell's privilege
Cross House’s goal for poor insane
To Severn's ox bow flood filled lake
At Atcham, then back home again
His teenage Saturday
He cycled as a man these lanes,
From Wenlock Road to Atcham's pub
The Mytton and the green Mermaid
The father used to work his days
And nights, he would absorb the strain
Another tosser drunk again
Locks up, then bikes the self same lanes
My bike he took. He never asked.
He never learn to drive a car,
Never could afford the thought
A taxi's prohibitive high fares
So cycle through the dark, damp air
Alone, the cold ungodly hour.
There was no other choice.
He cycled down these lanes again,
Forty eight years later on,
Retrace the route memorium,
To coffee at the M and M
Older than his dad long dead
The pain of loss so long unsaid
Now put to an uncertain rest
GMJ November 2016