The Way We Went

The way we went, the long descent
The blazing sun, the aching bum
The clanking cogs, the barking dogs
The photo stop, the arty shot,
The granny gear, and one more beer
The breakfast cake, the shoulder ache
The queso sandwich, the spanish language
Huevos, patatas, ensaladas
The wrong rear mech, the tarot deck
The courteous cars, the shuttered bars
The fingers numb, the tarmac hum,
The snow capped peaks, the roadside leaks,
Pollarded planes, the chain oil stains
The broken cleat, the cobbled street
The route re-planned, the dust and sand
The punctured tyre, the ferry fire
The pedalling, the headstrong wind
The sea shell sign, the church bell chime
Another blog, the uphill slog
The Gaudi Tower, the welcome shower
The vaulted arch, Altamira art
The bedstead gate, the cheesecake slate
The rainbow lake, the squid and hake
The rebuilt mill, another hill
The horses, cows, cathedrals
The morning chills and Baz's pills
The clear blue skies, the pesky flies
The straight white line, Ribera wine
The rainy day, the pilgrim way
The watering eye, the sad good bye
The endless banter, zumo and Fanta,
The will to strive, the famous five
GMJ May 2019